Gig Work News-Tracker
We are thrilled to share the ‘Gig work news-tracker’. We created this news-tracker in December 2020 to track key developments in the gig economy across Europe and we’re happy to share it with you. The tracker consists of a database of news and media articles about the gig economy across Europe (since 2019 in its current version, but it will be expanded). Entries are categorised according to four themes relevant to our project:
1. Policy: gaps, proposals and existing policies addressing the gig economy
2. Court: cases, decisions and rulings about the gig economy
3. Conditions: existing and changing work conditions of gig workers
4. Business: gig platforms’ profits and losses
The tracker also seeks to reflect the diverse discussions and debates about the gig economy. Therefore, in addition to news items, it includes analysis (including opinion pieces and write-ups about research findings). By no means exhaustive, we hope this collaborative resource will prove useful in tracking the rapid developments related to the gig economy.
You can access the tracker here. Please feel free to share, add and edit the tracker!